Effective & Affordable
Carried out in your own home

For the young

and not so young

Microsuction Ear Treatments

Clear Ear : Microsuction Service

Ear microsuctioning is a safe and effective way to remove excess ear wax or complete blockages from the ear canal. It is now considered to be the GOLD standard in ear care.

This procedure is safe for children over 6 months through to adulthood, it's also safe for people who are deaf and have hearing loss, hearing aid users, people living with dementia or living with an autism spectrum disorder. This service is ideal for those that are housebound or bedbound. It is also ideal for busy individuals that require out of hours services and would like to skip the NHS waiting list.

You may be familiar with ear syringing, and may have found your local GP practice no longer offers this treatment. Ear Microsuctioning is a safer alternative to this.

The Clear Ear Microsuctioning service operates out of Essex and can bring the clinic to your home at a time that is convenient to you. Alternatively, there is an option for you to visit our clinics in Maldon or Witham, Essex.

Adults and Children

We are one of the only clinics in the local area that accept children. Our lead consultant, Jenny Oakley, undertook additional specialist training for ear wax removal for the under 18s and has treated well into the hundreds of children.

The impact of ear wax upon children can present as a loss of hearing, which in turn can affect:-

  • Speech and pronouncation
  • Issues at school
  • Recurrent infections
  • Discomfort when swimming or bathing

Children are given extra time during the visit so they are able to familiarise themselves with the environment and the equipment. There is no extra cost for a child visit and a follow up appointment is offered free of charge.

Consultations Carried Out In Your Own Home

A consultation can take up to 25 minutes and includes a detailed examination and assessment of the ears and microsuctioning of any ear wax, debris or excess skin that may be blocking the ear. As part of the consultation a detailed written report of the findings will be provided for you to share with your GP should you wish to.